Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sad End For a Squirrel

A group of us were standing around chatting for quite a while before someone noticed this sad sight right above our's little tail was gently blowing in the breeze....It looked like the poor little squirrel had literally just lain down and died....we were wondering what had happened, old age, snakebite, disease...?

Sunset near the Zimbabwean border.


  1. Sad...but at least it got to pass away in a place it would want to be. Beautiful sunset! ;D

  2. Oh the life and end of for a squirrel! But the sunset is just lovely!:)
    Have a wonderful weekend !!

  3. Strange no predators had gotten to it yet!
    Amazing sunset.

  4. Shame, i guess nature took its course. The sunset is amazing. I remember the great ones we used to get up on Lake Kariba. Diane

  5. i hope it was a peaceful death - like dying in your sleep. at least that would be better than under the wheels of a vehicle!

  6. Nature's course I suppose Liesl... but sad none the less. Lovely sunset by the way!

  7. It does look peaceful, but yes, sad.

  8. That poor squirrel! Love the sunset though. A much happier image.

  9. Aw-w! How strange! But you have immortalized it with this photo!
    Lovely sunset Liesl!

  10. Gosh.... how sad!

    But your sunset is wonderful.


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