Wednesday, September 29, 2010

By The Grace Of God

My Sunshine Child

Captain of the First Team Girls Hockey

I have no idea why she has a photo of the Coach's legs.....

Star Athlete

She was born at five & a half months,her lungs were not fully developed yet. She fitted in her Fathers hand from head to toe. We were told the chances of her surviving were almost non-existing. She couldn't breathe on her own, you see. She was willful and struggled on, I was not allowed to pick her up very often....she was fed through a tube in her tiny little nose. Still the Doctors insisted that infection etc could set in any day. At three weeks of age they told us she had three large spots on her brain and would be a vegetable for the rest of her life...There was nothing they could do...She was obstinate and wouldn't give in..two weeks later after a scan the doctors told us that unbelievably, all three spots were gone....By the Grace of God, one said. I named her Jessica, meaning "The Lords Grace"  After three months in hospital she was given the all clear and I could take her home...She is now 18 years old.
Thank You Lord


  1. And she has grown into a strong, healthy young woman. That truly is a miracle.

  2. This is amazing! What a wonderful miracle story!!
    She looks like an energetic, healthy and very happy person!
    Good choice in her name for sure!

    Just signed up to you through a post on another blog.
    (We love horses too:))


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