Thursday, March 16, 2017


And so, this last Saturday my youngest daughter Jessica got married. It was an indescribably beautiful event held in the helicopter hanger on her husband's family farm in what must be one of the most picturesque game farms in the African Bush veld.

The End

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Life's Ups and Downs & Such.

I have taken a (very) long leave of absence from my blog and I am going to give you all a very brief explanation as to why. It is called divorce, the husband left, sued for divorce and that is all that I am going to say about that. I have been living on my own for almost 2 years now and have worked through the tedious process of grieving. I am now in a very happy place where I have discovered the world of a bachelerette/,boyfriends and all that stuff I last did as a teenager and having lots of fun. Change of lifestyle...a bit yes,I still live on my farm and chose to make and embrace a new lifestyle for myself. In short...I cried me a river and moved on!   Some certain things that kept me sane throughout the process of healing were...

The two most beautiful daughters in the world!

The eldest likes to go hiking with me in the mountains,often taken a friend with..

The youngest loves to do and talk about anything horsey with me..

Being able to go to rock shows on my own and returning home in the early morning hours..

Visiting with friends on their game farms and inter acting with baby rhinos..

My ponies..

Goofy friends

Goofy barmen

Loveable, loyal,  bff friends..

More goofy friends...


The End