Well it has been auction week again and yesterday we went to Belfast again. Hubby came away from there with a lot of sheep,some merinos that were starting to feel the shortage of fodder up there in the High veld Winter,some dorpers and pedi sheep and a friesian heifer (the cutest little thing) that might be our future milking cow! Cules was happily buying away when this little piggy caught his eye and he saw,barbecue ribs,Christmas roast and what not! Well,that little piggy read Cules' mind because....

He escaped from the truck as Cules stopped and climbed up at the back to check up on everyone back there...He hightailed it up those Dullstroom mountains like no body's business and my husband being one very determined individual and one who hates to lose out on a bargain.., gave chase,down the hill,through a swamp,up the hill again and through a couple of ditches and me standing by the side of the rode screaming with laughter and encouraging him and sometimes the piggy(depending on the abuse Cules let loose!) and some very baffled motorists stopping and asking what happened and promptly adding their bits of advice from the roadside!
It was one of the funniest incidents yet!
To make a long story short,Cules did catch his rather wayward BBQ piggy,who is now happily chomping away in his little paddock with the other pigs.
I think somehow those two had a good conversation with each other in the swamp..,'cause I couldn't see much of them there..
On our way through Dullstroom he decided to stop and check on the animals again and what do you know? He happened to stop right in front of an Antique shop! He kindly agreed that I could go look see and as I was browsing away,looking at old cutlery I walked up to the owner of the shop and there she was cleaning this old 1940, Sheffield Bone handled set of cutlery, that has just been brought in by a very distraught daughter in law who has decided it was "time to let go" of some stuff she has been keeping for years since her husband's mother and her husband has also passed away .....
The old case is still perfectly intact with the guarantee that it will never warp or shrink and can withstand all climates!
Well,it has kept perfectly for seventy one years so far!
This was made in the same year WW2 started!
The spoons....
I love collecting old cutlery and dishes and use it for everyday instead of modern stuff,so this rare find had my pulses up and I went and told Cules about it,he asked me the price and on telling him, he promptly told me to get in the truck and drove on home....
At the only four way stop in town he asked me if I considered it an investment and I quickly told him YES!
So he turned round and went into the shop and hassled the lady into throwing in a huge block of fudge into the deal and bought it!
Her Royal Highness has arrived and His Majesty is "absolutely delighted" by her beatific presence....
Kate, eat your heart out!
Cules also brought something else home...
Minki's full sister!!
Remember this...?
Minki as a pup almost two years ago!
They definitely are like two peas in a pod,so much so in their little mannerisms and things that it is a little bit freaky!
I was worried that Minki would be terribly jealous,but she is not,they play together on Minki's blanket in the evenings and even share Cules' lap!